Type : transceiver
Version "A" is an electronically modified version of the R-392. It encrypts communication with simple speech inversion.
It was used by special forces and border troops.
Frequency band: 44 - 50 MHz in which it uses 6 fix frequency : 44,3 / 44,6 / 44,9 / 45,2 / 45,5 / 45,8 MHz
Modulation : FM
Sensitivity : <= 0,5 microV
Output power : min 1,5W
Power supply : 12,6V, using 10НКГЦ-1Д (10NKGTs-1D) type battery that coiuld be charger from a separate charger or hand crank charger
Construction :transistors
Documents collection (9 MB) : R-392_A documents
More photos : More R-392_A radio photos