Type : multimeter
Measuring ranges : DC current : 0 - 60 - 300 μA,
0 - 3 - 30 - 120 mA
0 - 1,2 - 12 A
AC current : 0 - 3 - 30 - 120 mA
0 - 1,2 - 12 A
voltage : 0 - 3 - 12 - 30 - 300 - 600 - 1200 - 6000 V
resistance : 0 - 3 - 300 kOhm
0 - 30 MOhm
Power supply : inner made from 22,5V + 1,5V batteries
Document collection (2,8 MB) : AVO-5M documents
More photos : More AVO-5M photos
My own comments:
- large, robust, quite heavy instrument in a thick vinyl case
- compare to its age, measures very accurately
- I met two types:
- only measures up to 1200V, it has a lower lid, the high-voltage measuring cables are not included
- It measures up to 6000V, it has a thick lid that holds the high-voltage measuring cables under a cover.